News Blog

June/July 2012

Summer Butterfly Census | Val Cunningham Receives Award | Five Reasons Why Clean Renewable Energy is Needed | Volunteer at our 9TH Birding Camp! | Rachel Lilly Preserve | Biking & Birding, Elm Creek Park Reserve | Summer Nesters | Long Lake Prairie in Bloom

Male goldfinch feeds young

Nature’s Turncoats

These “wild canaries” are highly social, spending most of their time feeding, flying and even sleeping as a flock.

great horned owl

Night’s silent hunters may live in your ‘hood

Great horned owls begin nesting in late winter, with some even wearing “snow hats” as they sit on their eggs.

White-throated Sparrow

Beautiful Springtime Music

This handsome little sparrow—and its ethereal song—often go unnoticed as it drops in for a visit before heading north.

Red-tailed Hawk

Urban Red-tails

As I drive the freeways here in the metro area, I often see a red-tailed hawk sitting atop a light pole, staring intently at the ground. It sometimes seems like a very casual, over-the-shoulder look. This is a classic sit-and-wait predator.

April/May 2012

Dragonflies: Masters of Water and Air – April 12, 2012 | What you Haven’t Heard about Lyme Disease – May 8, 2012 | St. Paul Audubon’s Annual Meeting: May 10 | 2012-2013 Proposed Budget | 2012 Spring Field Trips and Events including Warbler Weekend | Native Plant Expo and Market | Annual Fund Drive Donors | Living Green Expo

Northern Cardinals

Good looks, sweet songs

Cardinals, one of the backyard’s most beautiful birds, are homebodies, sticking around all year long.

A curious trumpeter swan

Swans Trumpet Once Again

Trumpeter swans are back from the brink, but they left one thing behind—the urge to migrate.

February/March 2012

Conservation in Galapagos: With Julia Ponder, D.V.M., Executive Director, The Raptor Center (February 2012) | Uncommon Facts about Common birds: With Stan Tekiela, Naturalist, Wildlife photographer and Writer (March 2012) | The National Audubon Society Strategic Plan | SPAS Speakers’ Bureau | Spring Warbler Weekend | Christmas Bird Count Results | Spring Sandhill Crane Festivities | Annual Fund Drive Reminder | Book Review: Feathers: The Evolution of a Natural Miracle