Lebanon Hills Regional Park

In-Person Field Trips to Resume!

The Saint Paul Audubon Society board is happy to announce that in-person group birding events will again be allowed, and the Field Trip Committee has planned a full schedule of guided walks for you to join, from May through November. The board voted at its May 3 meeting to resume group birding with the following guidelines:

  • Participants must be fully vaccinated for Covid-19.
  • Everyone needs to maintain social distancing.
  • Masks are optional but welcome.  
  • Attendees will provide their names and contact information at the start of each walk.

The first event on the schedule is a Tuesday morning walk at Snail Lake on May 11, 7-9 a.m. This is followed by a field trip on May 15 titled “Birds, Bogs, Bees and Bantams,” to be held at the 20-acre homestead of Curt and Pat Hadland, in Scandia.

Many more walks for all types of birders follow throughout the summer. Please go to saintpaulaudubon.org/upcoming-events for complete details. Information will also be posted in upcoming issues of the Cardinal, and on the Saint Paul Audubon Society Facebook Group, at https://www.facebook.com/groups/saintpaulaudubonsociety. If you are not currently a member of the group, please click the “Join Group” button at the top of the page.

We are very excited to once again offer guided group walks, which is at the heart of the Saint Paul Audubon Society’s mission to promote the enjoyment, understanding and protection of birds and their habitats.

            A reminder about Warbler Weekend: This coming weekend, May 8-10, is Warbler Weekend, to be held with Covid-19 precautionary modifications this year.  Please note that the new guidelines for in-person walks begins on May 11 and does not include Warbler Weekend, which will not have guided walks.  Everyone will bird independently or in groups of 6 or fewer. Bird lists, maps, and instructions for returning your records will be available at the Hok-Si-La Park Dining Hall.