Saturday, July 8, 2022 Our annual Butterfly Census will again take place on the first Saturday after July 4. We hope you will join us on Saturday, July 8 for […]
Summer birding presents possibilities for observing different behaviors once birds have settled on family territories. Birders have opportunities for lingering identifications with group interaction at a summer-time relaxed pace. The […]
Langton Lake Park, 1950 County Rd. C2 W, Roseville, MN 55113 Join us for a stroll at Langton Lake Park to observe and identify birds and trees, and consider their […]
4191 Snail Lake Blvd., Shoreview, MN 55126 Sunday, July 16, 8:00 AM to Noon Discover the fun of birding from a bicycle on more than 5 miles of mostly level, […]
Join us for a visit to this unique urban farm site to observe and identify birds and trees, and to consider their interactions. You’ll learn some basic tree identification tips, […]